Peter Sousa offersPsychic Reader Peter
I am a 42-year-old Ordained "Mystical Christian" Minister, Psychic, Clairvoyant, and "Remote-Viewer." I hold over 25 years of experience in spell-work, readings, and energy clearing. My mother was the late Dr. Julie Sousa, a famous psychic medium. So, you could say my expertise falls a little over the 25 something year line. I am exceptionally skilled in assisting with romantic puzzles and economic problems.
My Readings
I can SEE & FEEL deeply within an individual's emotions or circumstances. I am able to tell with astonishing accuracy the past, present, and future motives and methods to take. Please be prepared to take in the information delivered quickly.
I do not use tools, nor do I need them. In situations I may roll out my very charged tarot deck to simply reiterate my viewing or to connect to the spiritual realm.
I am tremendously accurate and a huge success rate. Though, I am not an all-knowing God. I am simply human myself. There are times where I may be missing the target by a small margin. Though, sometimes, a client may feel that my reading is “off” only to come back astonished that things did in fact ring true. So, always be open to the unexpected as well.
Years of Education and Experiences
Metaphysical Science B.A. UOM Sedona AZ
Doctor of Alternative Medicines IBAM-IN
Cosmetology Operator Diploma - Licensed for Ayurveda Practice
Certified Reiki Teacher and Master - Reiki Master and Instructor - Aimee Phlegar
Certificate in Medical Intuition - Linda Rauch
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Advanced Diploma - by Dr. Omar Abed over 25 years experience and specializes in producing fact-driven, actionable insights on personal issues that matter to you. Peter has been acknowledged in various syndications such as FOX, NBC, ABC, and more.