Capricorn man Scorpio woman compatibility in love
Capricorn man Scorpio woman compatibility in love (Capricorn Love compatibility) These are two very dominating signs. Both being high on egos and always wanting to lead the pack. The attraction is obvious as you two will impress each other in a heartbeat. But this impression will quickly become a competition. The good thing is that there will be immense passion between you two. Every meeting will end up being steamy. With that much closeness, you need to let go off the secrecy and be transparent to each other. Be direct with each other and don’t hold back thoughts. If the communication gap is bridged then this will be a smooth ride.
Capricorn man Scorpio woman compatibility in love(Capricorn Love horoscope)
A little misunderstanding can easily become a clash for the egos. Miscommunication will elevate issues further. You both should relax and follow your instincts.
Capricorn woman with Scorpio man (Capricorn Love horoscope)
Scorpion men will be dominating here, so Capricorn woman should adjust accordingly. With her intellect, she can mold Scorpio man without him even knowing it