- Aura Readings
- Aura Readings
- Breaking Up & Divorce
- Cheating & Affairs
- Dream Analysis
- Gay & Lesbian
- Law of Vibration TruthStar
- Love & Relationships
- Marital Life
- Psychic Readings
- Rune Casting
- Tarot Readings
- Vedic Astrology
Angel Love
I offer clairvoyance service in the short and long term. Prediction work using crystal ball, tarot and dowsing. I am an astrologer, I have a wide extrasensory perception which allows me to receive information from other people and get involved in their present and future life. I have a lot of contact with spiritual beings who give us their messages to fix people’s lives. I have worked with Yoruba Santeria for several years, following the spirits advice. I am the son of Obatala and I can see how each person evolves, how they come out of their conflicts and have a better quality of life developing both in love and in business. We work free people from these obsessive relationships and their own fears through the use of ancient techniques and forming a circle of deep love in their hearts.
I have been treating patients with multiple problems, anxieties, heartbreak, disappointments and sadness of mind and heart. I am a tarot reader, I have extensive knowledge in handling the different questions of love, money, spirituality, messages of the arcana for each of the patients focused on the individuality of the being. I work regressions to get to the roots of people’s problems, healing with this technique the problems of anxieties and depressions, heartbreak, family problems, anger and repetitive negative models, both family and professional. I teach astrology classes, guiding students to develop an open mind about the influence of the stars on our psyches, and how these affect our behaviors.
I have been treating patients with multiple problems, anxieties, heartbreak, disappointments, sadness of heart and mind. I am a tarot reader, I have extensive knowledge in handling the different questions of love, money, spirituality, messages of the arcana for each of the patients focused on the individuality of the being. I work regressions to get to the roots of people’s problems, healing with this technique the problems of anxieties and depressions, heartbreak, family problems, anger and repetitive negative models, both family and professional. I teach astrology classes, guiding students to develop an open mind about the influence of the stars on our psyches, and how these affect our behaviors.